slide show


Hello, anyone there?

Yep, I'm still here!  I have had so many people lately ask if I quit doing photography because the last post was so long ago. Oops!  I figured I'd better give you a little update on the craziness of our lives.

So we moved to Las Vegas and have been busy busy busy trying to get settled in a new house and with the hubby’s new job (and expecting a baby in Sept). I've also been flying back to Utah to do some weddings and sessions here and there between it all. I’ve had a blast but I haven’t been keeping up on the blog, boo.

So it's time to play a little catch up. I wish I could post all of the sessions I’ve done lately but it’d be impossible to go through seven months of pictures. If I don’t post your session, I still love you and I’ll definitely try my best!
On to the gorgeous Hansen family…

 I am just in love with this family and their funky style!

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