slide show



Just a few pics for now but check out this babe! So the story goes that Annabelle's mom just happened to be one of my old students back when I was Mrs. Torgersen in my high school teaching days. Oh man, do I feel old (and super duper proud) seeing my old students grow up and be amazing people!

Cade and Alycia Engagements

Fun, fun, fun! I love these guys and seriously-how fun are they!?! They've dated forever, loved each other forever and I can't wait to see how the rest of their perfect story unfolds! You'll die when you see their groomals. Eeek, stay tuned for that one for sure!


Lane and Lindsay

My sister and I teamed up on these ones and I loved it! This is my cousin, Lane, and his bride Lindsay. It was so fun to hang out with them and my sis! It was like a little family par-tay. Lane's one of those guys that you can't help but like. Anytime his name comes up it's just natural to say, "oh, I just like him". Mr. Dr. Lane ;) Anyway, it's about time these two got hitched and made Lindsay officially part of our crazy family! Welcome Lindsay my dear!
Just for a few bonus, how about a couple of her gorgeous bridals. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
