slide show



This little hunk is one of my bestest friend's newest addition to her little family. It's so fun to take pictures of someone you've been waiting 40 long weeks to meet... and oh boy was it worth it!  Isn't he a doll!
This last one is of Callen's big sister, Selma, and my little Hayes. I can't get over them! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, LOVE the new website!! It is perfect, seriously, love it! And, of course, how could I not love these pictures? You are amazing as always, I can't believe how big he is now, sniff sniff.. I love the last one of Hayes and Selma too, can they please get married when they're older? Too cute!!

    P.S. Loved all these other new shoots underneath this post too, so perfect!!


What do ya think?