Sure he might depend on me for food, clothes, to tuck him in at night, to kiss away his owie, for just about everything, but no matter how much he needs me I need him more.
I need to see his new toothy grin when he knows he's into something he shouldn't be. I need to hear his fast little doggy pant as he scurries away to not get cought. I need to hear the giggles of anticipation as he's swooped up in the air and tickled all over, the way he dives into my arms (separation anxiety and all), waves with both hands, bounces to music (especially Lada Gaga), is obsessed with his tongue, wobbles as he stands, tugs on my pant leg, yells "momma" throughout the house, can't get enough of the stairs...
I can't imagine a day without my little buddy. I can't wait to pal around for the rest of forever with him because as much as I think he needs me, I'll always need him just a little bit more!
I wanted to take some 9 mo. pics of my baby and I am so happy to say that Hayes is actually pretty photogenic. Wahoo! We got these in like 20 min. Please bless he always stays this way!

This mom seriously needs this kid!!!